Friday, July 29, 2011

How do we grow the economy?

As I have said, with a federal Government that is hell bent on lowering the value of our Dollar, and developed a policy to put everyone in a home has had a 180 degree effect. Our homes are being devalued, our money is being devalued. Our government is increasing regulatory oversight and regulations from health care to energy cost. And we are supposed to spend money and take a risk in this environment? I feel like Bill Engvall and saying here is your sign. We have had government officials looking for a home run, looking for a big business to come in and save the day, something to place their hats on. Call me a pessimist but those days are gone. I have played a lot of ball, and the ones who win are the ones who get people on base. The San Francisco Giants won the World Series after they got rid of Barry Bonds. Think about it. We need to get people on base to grow this economy.

If that is the case, then how do we get people to take the risks again in this economic climate? We have to lessen the stress of everyday cost. This is where our state and local governments come into play. We need to see a reversal of the fees, taxes, requirements, etc that has been put into place over the last decade. Don’t try to scare me about police, teachers, fire protection etc. I am tired of this scare tactic, and we need to know that ten years ago we had teachers, police and fire. So get off of this. What are in danger are all the increases we have had. In government staff, a salary, pensions, perks.

The first move is to retain our current job levels, to do that we need to get off the chest of every Nevadan and let us breath. Only then can we feel comfortable enough to take the risk that we will jump start this economy. This will mean that many of our attorneys that have spent the last ten Years building legal cases designed to limit competition protecting big business needs to sit down. Our elected officials that take a narrow focus designed to strengthen the bottom lines of their supporters and focus on the people that do not have the time or the money to kiss their asses. These individuals are the small business owners that for all these years you have taken for granted. Again we have a capitol problem, Big Business has moved to a global status, we need to turn our focus on the people living here and stop trying to use the money collected from taxes to provide service and return to a system whereby through hard work people can take care of themselves. The trick is to lower much of what has been raised over the past decade. This is as much a republican problem as much as it is a Democrat problem. Both parties have served their special interest and ignored the vast population; we cannot grow this economy from the extremes if the middle is in decay.

We currently have had to live with the effects of budget cuts, but where is the direction of these cuts. Far too many times we see a Cover your ass mentality come out of these government agencies, hey I don’t blame them, Self preservation has sunk in, and I get it. But we hear a lot about sacrifice coming from our current leadership, but we do not have a game plan. What we need is a game plan with both long and short term goals. Short term goal for me to stabilize capitol at the local level, lower cost to the everyday Nevadan and shorten the time and cost it takes to start a new business. This means red tape, and permits, licenses etc has to have a two week time line. Yes you heard me two weeks. From start to finish we need to get people back into the risk taking business.

Friday, July 22, 2011

How does Nevada go its economy with such a lack of capitol?

I know I sound like a broken record; we need lower taxes and regulatory oversight. I know those who have read my blog it is the same message. The problem is that we are going through a change, and that change is one of a personal matter. I believe that Our Government has not yet caught up with this change; they are too busy trying to place fingers in the leaking dyke.

With the Housing problems Nevada has, Capitol for small start ups will be hard to come by. With our Federal Government borrowing monies at the rate it is, Money is harder to come by to Borrow for all Nevadans. The federal Government printing money at the rate it is, our money in our wallets has decreased 20%, limiting our buying power. Finally with a Government that has seen itself the solution to our problems we have increased the numbers and scope in which our public sector has operated, this has had an effect to increase the cost on everyone. It is not hard to understand why we have a private sector that is paralyzed.

The Questions at hand is how do we grow our economy? What are the strengths Nevada has in the market place and what are the weaknesses? How do we create jobs, with the lack of capitol, is the answer big business or small business or some combination? How can we lower the cost of living to help allow us all to regain personal capitol, a in-depth look at all the fees, taxes regulatory oversight and looking at the benefit, versus the social economic cost? And how to we improve the situation? I will try to answer these. Some of these answers come from the past, and some from the future. I am going to try to answer each of these questions in the next couple of Blogs, each question in each blog, tackling each question and looking for the answers in depth. These are just my answers, I will make an attempt to weigh to lefts arguments versus the rights, and see where we go from here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where are the jobs?

Can the State of Nevada create Jobs? That one question will take some real change, and it may include renewable resources but this is not a one trick pony. The answer will require a degree of self reliance to again resurface. With over 66% of the homes underwater available capitol for small business is hard to find. The other aspect of a small business is the big question is your profit margin, how much can you realistically expect. You have to look at the market, the customer pool, you going after. You have to look at the scalability, and what growth potential does it have. An entrepreneur has to look at this entire venture, and weigh the cost involved.

Unfortunately we have a bureaucratic system the ads cost to these concerns of all Nevada Business, as well as a political system that has done nothing but promise items to the populace that the system can no longer afford. President Obama is calling out Small business for not hiring, Well Mr. President How about lowering our cost, and Stop increasing our cost. Unfortunately He complains but his actions are to destroy business activity. He has said it himself he wants to redistribute income. Well he is doing just that, he is out to destroy our economic system and to undermine the constitution in which he pledged to protect and defend.

Mr. Obama’s Cap in trade system as he put it will necessarily increase the cost of energy and gasoline. Mr. Obama’s Health care Plan will drive down supply to health care and increase the cost on every American business. His policy Czar is developing more and more regulatory oversight that is making business unbearable, yet this man blames us. Mr. Reid and the other progressives in our government need to be stopped, and this is coming from a former democratic candidate for Nevada Governor. I left the Democratic Party once I realized that small business issues were not a part of the Democratic platform. There is no understanding of commerce and no respect toward those who make their own way.

Again here in Nevada we have some serious issues, there are solutions, but I do not believe that we have the leadership that understands how to fix the system. It will take a revolutionary at heart, someone who can buck the system and the current power structure. We can survive but we have to reset this system and bring back the checks and balance system that has been so diligent in slowing down change. For without reflection on policy we have had change sped up to a point that many of these changes have brought far too much destruction to our economy.

We have to lower cost, from the cost of living to the cost of doing business, this is where we share sacrifice and share in the benefit. Not in a belief system that wishes to increase the cost of power but lower the cost of power, lower the cost and scope of regulatory oversight, and limit the power of these too big to fail industries. We used to have restrictions to limit monopolies, we have had our government do a complete 180 and build monopolies. We need to regulate on an economic of scale basis that would have higher oversight the bigger the company is, and allow small startups the room to grow. This is not to hurt the big operations, but to prioritize where our regulatory oversight and Government needs to focus. Big Business has the economic advantage to hire lobbyist to give them favorable regulations, small operations do not have the monies to fight back and typically looses that battle. If employment begins at Small business then we need to change our priorities on not only taxation, but more importantly regulatory oversight. Taxes are only a part of a cost structure that has become punitive in the business model of much of Nevada.

The battle over the debt ceiling is a part of the economic mess we are in, for the government is sucking potential investment monies toward paying off our national debt service. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but I do not think anyone 60 or under will ever see our Social security checks, and Right now I am willing to let that go, if and only if the government gets out of the way to allow me with the limited time left to make my own way. The solution will mean that we reduce the size of Government, in the past the leaders tend to want to scare you, but this time we need to look at each of us and say that I will be fine and we can get through this period. Smaller government is not scary, we have had it before, it does mean that we need to work together, and not continue this debate designed to separate us.